Library of Dimitsana


The Library of Dimitsana was founded in 1764 by two monks, Agapios Leonardos and Gerasimos Gounos.

At first, it was a theological school from which many well-known prelates graduated during the Turkish rule. The Library of the School was one of the four that existed in Greece during that period and it held almost 5,000 volumes. It is known under the official name “Public Library and Museum of the Hellenic School of Dimitsana – Local Historic Archive of Gortynia” and it is situated at the square of Kyriakis from where the view to the gorge of Lousios and the historic monasteries of the region is spectacular. There, once stood the old Schools (Didaktiria) replaced by the School of Dimitsana in 1845.

It is noteworthy that during the Revolution, the pages of the books were used to manufacture ammunition, thus only 600 volumes remain from that period. Today, the Library has approximately 35,000 volumes, many manuscripts, rare documents (patriarchals and firmans) and mementoes from the Revolution of 1821.

The museum preserves the bones of Metropolitis Germanos III of Old Patras (Palaion Patrwn Germanos), which were transferred to Dimitsana from Patra, in a bronze reliquary. You will also find the saddle of Papaflessa’s horse, as well as other portraits of great figures of the Nation and a folklore collection.

The Library of Dimitsana was awarded in 1977 with the golden metal and diploma by the Academy of Athens for its contribution.

The Library is open from Monday to Friday (9.30-13.30) and on weekends upon demand.

Tel: +30 27950-31219